50. Feeling Triggered During the Holidays

holidays Dec 11, 2021

7 Ways to Build Self-control and Enjoy the Holidays:

  1. Give yourself permission to not want to do certain things with your family.
  2. Drop the judgment toward yourself.
  3. Take moments to recharge when you need them.
  4. Give people permission to not change at all.
  5. Be willing to let discomfort be part of the holidays.
  6. Own responsibility for your own thoughts/feelings and let others own theirs.
  7. Do Thought Work/coaching/self-coaching.

This month is the perfect opportunity to work on these things. We discuss these things more in depth in our podcast today, with a real client example. Many guys look at porn during these times, or in anticipation of these times. Or immediately after "getting through" these times. CLICK HERE to listen to the full episode.

Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.