43. Why Coaching isn't Free

life coaching Dec 11, 2021

Yes. Talking about money is directly related to you learning how to not look at porn, and/or creating the life and marriage you want. If you have any “money drama” at all about investing in coaching for yourself (so many of us do), part of you might want to skip this podcast. Don’t do it! The reason we avoid this type of conversation, is because of the money drama we create in our minds and the feelings that brings up. But do you really want the thinking you’ve learned toward money to be what stands in the way of you finding success with your problem? In this podcast, we’re having a helpful conversation about useful steps to take in decisions about investing money in yourself. After listening, you will have more clarity on how to make your most useful decision about whether to invest money in yourself on coaching or not. If this is a barrier for you, clarifying/honing your approach could change everything for you. Helping you create more of the life you want. It can be better than you even realize right now. Listen to the full episode HERE.

Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.